Exclusive Services
We have many services to suit your needs and your budget, along with many different choices of how to decorate your dress.

Children's Technical Dress Service

We offer basic custom dress making services, for a simple yet elegant look to a more embellished look depending on your budget. Children's sizes only.
$600AU-$800AU plus GST within Australia.
This service offers
A flat front & back with a classic neck & back line.
Arms or sleeve and a skirt 1 to 2 layers.
$600 - Approx 1440 Crystals & Air brushing on design lines.
$800 - Approx 2500 Crystals, Motifs and Air Brushing on design lines.
For a fully painted, crystal dress with all the bells and whistles you will need to book a Premium dress.
The dresses in the photo above are $800AU dresses.
Head to our Gallery to see more examples.
Children's Artistic Service

We offer a basic to a more extreme Artistic service.
Artistic is our favorite type of dress or catsuit.
We have a little more freedom to what we can do.
Offering a basic look with a little more detail to an extravagant look depending on your budget.
$600-$1000AU plus GST within Australia.
This service offers
$600- A flat front & back with creative neck & back lines & mesh inserts.
Arms or sleeves and a skirt or legs for a catsuit.
$800 - Air Brushing, 1 Applique layer, Approx 1500 Crystals.
$1000 - Air Brushing, 3 Applique layer, Approx 2500 Crystals & Motifs.
The price will go up according to amount of crystals required or added extras like wings, aprons, collars, zips ETC.
The above catsuit was $1200AU. You cant see it in the photo but it is covered in crystals.
Head to our Gallery to see more examples.
Adults Technical Service

We offer basic custom dress making services, for a simple yet elegant look to a more embellished look depending on your budget. Adults sizes only.
$800AU-$1500 plus GST within Australia.
This service offers for $800AU
A flat front & back with a classic neck & back line, arms or sleeve and a skirt 1 to 2 layers
Approx 2000 Crystals,
Air brushing on design lines
1 Applique layer.
This service offers for $1000 additional
Contoured design lines max 2
Approx 2500 Crystals,
Motifs with min crystals & Air Brushing on design lines.
1 Applique layer.
This service offers for $1500 additional
Approx 3000 Crystals,
With an extra choose of 2 of the choices below.
Motifs with med amount of crystals.
Air Brushing or hand painting.
2-3 Applique layer.
Crystalized back openings.
Small amount of hand made flowers.
For a fully painted, crystal dress with all the bells and whistles you will need to book a Premium dress.
The dress in the photo above was $1500AU.
Head to our Gallery to see more examples.
Premium Dress Service

We offer a premium custom dress making services, for those who like to go over and beyond. There is no limit to what we can magically make up when the budget is right.
$2000 plus GST within Australia.
This service offers for $2000AU
As many contoured design lines/seams as you need.
Approx 4000 -5000 Crystals.
Air brushing unlimited.
With an extra choice of 3 of the choices below.
Hand painting.
3-4 Applique layer.
Crystalized lace motif's.
Crystalized back opening.
Handmade flowers.
This service offers for $2500 additional
Approx 5000-6000 Crystals.
This service offers for $3000 additional
Approx 6000-8000 Crystals,
Fully crystalized Motifs.
Unlimited Applique layer.
All of the above extra choices.
Hand crafted extras.
The dress in the photo above was $2500AU
Head to our Gallery to see more examples.
Adults Artistic Service

We offer a basic to a more extreme Artistic service.
Artistic is our favorite type of dress or catsuit.
We have a little more freedom to what we can do.
Offering a basic look with a little more detail to an extravagant look depending on your budget.
$800-$2000AU plus GST within Australia.
This service offers for $800
A flat front & back with a classic neck & back line, arms or sleeve and a skirt 1 to 2 layers
Approx 2000 Crystals,
Air brushing on design lines one colour only.
1 Applique layer.
This service offers for $1000 additional
Contoured design lines max 2
Approx 2500 Crystals,
Motifs with min crystals & Air Brushing on design lines.
1 Applique layer.
This service offers for $1500 additional
Approx 3000 Crystals,
With an extra choose of 2 of the choices below.
Motifs with med amount of crystals.
Air Brushing or hand painting up to 2 colours.
2-3 Applique layer.
Crystalized back openings.
Small amount of hand made flowers.
For a fully painted, crystal dress with all the bells and whistles you will need to book a Premium dress.
The cat suit in the photo above was $1200AU.
Head to our Gallery to see more examples.
Premium Catsuit Service

We offer a premium custom catsuit making services, for those who like to go over and beyond. There is no limit to what we can magically make up when the budget is right.
$2000 plus GST within Australia.
This service offers for $2000AU
As many contoured design lines/seams as you need.
Approx 4000 Crystals.
Air brushing unlimited.
With an extra choice of 3 of the choices below.
Hand painting.
3-4 Applique layer.
Crystalized lace motif's.
Crystalized back opening.
Handmade flowers.
This service offers for $2500 additional
Approx 5000 Crystals.
This service offers for $3000 additional
Approx 6000-8000 Crystals,
Fully crystalized Motifs.
Unlimited Applique layer.
All of the above extra choices.
Hand crafted extras.
The cat suit in the photo above was $3000AU
Head to our Gallery to see more examples.